Volunteer Covenant

Purpose Statement
The purpose of CWJC is to provide a Christian context in which women in need are equipped for life and employment, and a mission context in which women help women.

Statement of Faith
We believe in the Trinity, God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the Bible as the Word of God. Salvation comes through grace by believing in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, our Savior and Lord. Once saved, the Holy Spirit indwells, thereby instructing, guiding, and empowering the individual to follow the mandate of Jesus Christ in daily living.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior?

By signing below, I agree to serve as a volunteer for this CWJC site. I understand I will listen to the students plans, hopes and dreams. I will walk with them through each phase of development as they strive toward their goals of graduating. I will pray for and with them.

I commit to this relationship and to the other responsibilities of serving as a CWJC volunteer.

I am responsible for knowing the resources available in my community and to network with those resources. I will intentionally develop relationships that will result in additional resources for my participant.

While serving as a volunteer with CWJC, I will devote time to my own emotional, social, spiritual and physical health so that I do not become less, while I am helping another to achieve more.

I will stay in touch with CWJC through scheduled meetings, ongoing training, telephone and/or email, and will continue to grow in skills through personal study.

Clear Signature
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